Archive being updated. Last edit: August 04th, 2021
Author | Year | Title | Edition |
A. Pasini | 2003 | Climate change. Simulated meteorology and climate | Bruno Mondadori publisher, Milan. |
A. Pasini | 2005 | From observations to simulations. A conceptual introduction to weather and climate modeling | World Scientific Publishers, Singapore. |
A. Pasini (ed.) | 2006 | Kyoto and surroundings. Climate change as a global problem | Franco Angeli Editions, Milan. |
SE Haupt, A. Pasini, C. Marzban (eds.) | 2009 | Artificial intelligence methods in the environmental sciences | Springer, New York. |
L. Fiorani, A. Pasini | 2010 | The hot planet. Understanding the debate on climate change | Città Nuova publishing house, Rome. |
G. Mastrojeni, A. Pasini | 2017 | Greenhouse effect, war effect. Climate, conflicts, migrations: Italy at the forefront | Chiarelettere publisher, Milan. |
A. Pasini | 2020 | The equation of disasters. Climate change on fragile territories | Editions Code, Turin. |