A central part of the mission of the world intergovernmental organization GEO is to realize the Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS). GEOSS is a set of coordinated and independent Earth observation, information and processing systems that interact and provide access to diverse information for a wide range of users in both the public and private sectors on a global scale.
GEOSS connects these systems to strengthen the monitoring of the state of the Earth. Facilitates sharing of environmental data and information gathered from the wide range of observation systems provided by countries and organizations within GEO. Furthermore, GEOSS ensures that this data is accessible, of identified quality and origin and interoperable to support the development of tools and the provision of information services.
This “system of systems”, through its GEOSS (formerly GCI) platform, proactively connects existing and planned observation systems around the world and supports the need to develop new systems where gaps currently exist.
CNR-IIA-Florence contributes to GEOSS in the context of multiple European projects, in particular for the development and operation of a central component of the GEOSS software platform: the GEO Discovery and Access Broker (GEO DAB).
Contact person: Paolo Mazzetti
GEOSS components
GEODAB is a key component of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI), which transparently links GEOSS User requests to resources shared by GEOSS data providers.
The goal of GEO DAB is to simplify the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary discovery, access and use (or reuse) of heterogeneous data and information.
GEO DAB is a brokerage framework that interconnects hundreds of heterogeneous and autonomous data publishing systems providing mediation, harmonization, transformation and QoS capabilities.
The main access point to GEOSS (and GEO DAB) is the GEOSS portal, through which users can discover and download GEOSS data using the web browser.
Further information and documentation are available on the GEO DAB homepage.