ERA-PLANET, the program aimed at strengthening the European Research Area in the field of Earth Observation, will present the latest developments of its four projects at the GEO Virtual Symposium 2021, on June 24, 2021.

The theme of this year's Symposium is Strengthen inclusive partnerships across the GEO Work Program (GWP).

All four ERA-PLANET projects share the common goal of addressing environmental and social challenges: SMURBS, which promotes the smart-city approach; GEOEssential, for resource efficiency and environmental management; iGOSP, coordinated by CNR-IIA, for the integration of real-time monitoring data, modeling tools and an advanced global IT infrastructure for data sharing; iCUPE, for a complete understanding of polar environments.

For more information, refer to the Agenda.


GEO Symposium ERA-PLANET Agenda 111.81 KB 132 downloads
