Integrated Monitoring, Alert and Prevention System of the conservation status of Habitats and ECOsystems in internal and coastal areas protected and to be protected
Funding: POR Puglia FESR-FSE 2014-2020, Priority Axis 1 - Research, technological development, innovation, Action 1.6. "Interventions to strengthen the regional and national innovative system and increase the collaboration between companies and research structures and their enhancement", INNONETWORK Call - Puglia Region, Determination n.147 of 18 October 2018.
Period: October 2018 - February 2021
Total project budget: € 1.335.141,06
Total budget CNR IIA: € 189.511,79
Scientific Responsible: Palma Blonda

Abstract of the project

In Italy, monitoring the state of conservation of habitats and ecosystems is based almost exclusively on very expensive ground campaigns that require the use of many people and time. Although reference data on the ground can never be done without, remote monitoring (satellite, airplane, drone) effectively contributes to reducing the costs of ground campaigns in sites that are too large or not easily accessible. The availability of free satellite data, freely accessible with the Copernicus program, is of substantial importance for environmental monitoring purposes but is limited to the absence of cloud cover at the time of the satellite's passage. The integration with data acquired by airborne detection platforms and sensors (airplane and drone) best completes the dataset obtainable only from satellite with more detailed information and acquired with suitable weather-environmental conditions. The execution of multi-platform monitoring campaigns (satellite, aerial, drone, field) and the development of integration and analysis methodologies of all the different acquired data allows to obtain information to support the knowledge and management of the territory of protected areas and those to be protected.

- The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of goals for sustainable development at the international level ( The United Nations Organization conceived and promoted them as global goals for the period 2015-2030. There are 17 objectives and 169 specific targets. Among these, objective 15 includes: the sustainable use of forests, combating desertification, halting and reversing soil degradation, halting the loss of biodiversity.
- The Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) signed in 1992 by 150 countries at the Rio de Janeiro summit, is a binding treaty that established a global strategy for sustainable development, based on three main objectives: conservation of biodiversity, its sustainable use, fair and equitable sharing of the benefits deriving from the use of genetic resources.
- The Habitats Directive (92/43 / EEC), together with the Birds Directive (09/147 / EEC), represents the pillar of the community policy for the conservation of nature in response to the CBD and other multilateral environmental agreements. According to Art. 11 of the Directive, Member States are required to ensure the surveillance of the conservation status of the habitats, which are the basic elements of ecosystems, and of the species listed in Annexes I, II, IV and V of the Directive. Monitoring, a tool for implementing this surveillance, is governed by Art. 17, which requires Member States to report every six years on the conservation status of habitats in Natura 2000 sites. In the standard format to be filled in during the reporting phase (2011), information is requested on the extent of each habitat (to which it is biodiversity) in its range, on the structure and functions, on the pressures and threats that induce change. In Italy, reporting is the responsibility of the individual Regions. The contribution of the Regions, coordinated by the Ministry for the Environment, is sent to the Commission which draws up a periodic report on the state of Biodiversity in Europe. The report allows Member States to identify priorities in biodiversity conservation policies at national and EU level. For reliable monitoring, increasingly fine scales (eg 1: 5000) and time series of data are required by the Management Bodies for the identification of changes and invasive species.
- Puglia develops about 1000 km of coasts and of these about 60% is represented by high coasts. The problem of the use and conservation of these areas is critical for the development of tourist activities in the region, as the numerous collapses in recent years have often forced local administrators to prohibit access to suggestive areas. The monitoring of these areas, protected and not, has so far been characterized by limited interventions in the use of specific tools and expensive land campaigns.

In this scenario, the COHECO project proposed the development of an innovative multi-platform environmental monitoring system based on the automatic integration and analysis of: a) multi-scale, multi-temporal and multi-spectral data from satellite, aircraft and unguided human vehicles (UAVs) with b) data from ground sensors (eg laser scanner, GPS). The system is configured as a support for: the expeditious assessment of the conservation status of habitats and ecosystems; the assessment of the geomorphological danger of coastal areas of particular landscape and tourist interest; the validation over time of the effectiveness of the policies adopted to favor the state of conservation of nature and the economic development of the territory.

The monitoring system, tested in protected areas of the Natura 2000 network because they are richer in data on the ground for validation, is applicable to the entire regional territory.
The multiple objectives of the project fully achieved were:

1. the experimentation of the multi-platform monitoring methodology,
2. the production of updated land cover maps
3. the production of habitat maps
4. the production of maps of change in land cover and habitats
5. the extraction of indicators:
to. relating to the conservation status of habitats
b. relating to the state of danger of the coasts at risk of collapse (cliffs)
6. the methodological analysis of dangers and the formulation of guidelines to support the subjects involved in the decision-making processes.

Following the analysis, integration and data fusion processes, a WebGIS information system was implemented to support: the expeditious assessment of the conservation status of habitats and ecosystems; the assessment of the geomorphological danger of coastal areas of particular landscape and tourist interest; the validation over time of the effectiveness of the policies adopted to favor the state of conservation of nature and the economic development of the territory.

CNR-IIA, OT Group of Bari,
CNR-IBBR, Bari office,
CNR-IAC, Bari office,
CNR-IRPI, Bari office,
Territorial Information Services Srl,, Lead Partner
Ambiente SpA,
Eulogic Srl,
Quadrum Srl,
Security And Quality Sas,

Blonde palm
Christine Tarantino
Maria Adam
Xavier Vicar
Fabio Rana
Doriana Pugliese
Mauro Montagnoli
Andrea Imperiali