Categories: Ambient air | Bari | Changes and Transition | Anthropogenic impacts | In progress | National | Earth observation | Sharing Monitoring Technologies | Knowledge transfer
Funding: POR Puglia 2014-2020
Period: December 2021– December 2023
Total project budget: € 190.000
Total budget CNR IIA: € 30.000
Scientific Responsible: Maria Adamo
Abstract of the project
The project aims at "Action 1: Habitat monitoring * 2250" Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. ", Which is an integral part of the activities planned for the University within the project" Natura 2000 Network: habitat monitoring actions (* 2250, * 9210, * 1120, * 8330, * 1170) and species (Stipa austroitalica, Charadrius alexandrinus, Larus audouinii) of the Puglia Region ".
The priority habitat 2250 * - Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. it is characterized by woody vegetation, dominated by junipers, which is found on the stabilized dunes along the sandy coasts of the Mediterranean; based on the latest Habitat Directive reporting in Italy (http://www.reportingdirettivohabitat.it/) habitat 2250 * has been assigned a bad conservation status (Bad) throughout the national territory, with a worsening trend in the Region Mediterranean, where Puglia falls. Currently the habitat 2250 * has, in the Apulian territory, a linear extension of almost 90 km, covering an area of about 255 ha, but it is strongly reduced compared to its potential distribution area and is also subject to numerous factors of I disturb. The main pressures that insist on the habitat at a regional level are mainly connected to urbanization (overbuilding of the coasts) and to seaside recreational activities (in particular the trampling and removal of sand for leveling and mechanical cleaning of the beaches), as well as to coastal erosion that , with the retreat of the coastline, determines the contraction of the dune systems and consequent alteration of the normal zoning and degradation of the community. Other pressure factors that can cause further degradation of coastal junipers are the spread of alien species, fires, grazing and the expansion of agricultural areas (Picchi, 2008).
SCI IT9110015 - “Dune and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore” represents one of the most significant regional areas due to the presence of habitat 2250 *, despite the numerous pressures that insist on it.
This project aims to monitor habitat 2250* in the SIC IT9110015 – “Duna e lago di Lesina-Foce del Fortore”, through the development of an integrated methodology that uses both in situ and remote sensing data; for in situ actions, the guidelines of the “Manual for the Monitoring of species and habitats of Community interest (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Italy: habitat” (ISPRA) will be used; remote sensing techniques will be based on the analysis of multispectral optical images acquired by satellite platforms with high spatial resolution (< 2 m). Finally, models will be developed to define the potential distribution area of the habitat. An important aspect of innovation of this action is given by the support provided by the use of methodologies and algorithms that use satellite data for the extraction and characterization of habitats. The remote sensing techniques proposed in this project require an essential multidisciplinary approach that sees the interaction with expert knowledge acquired in the field as the method for calibrating and validating the procedures themselves.
CNR-IIA activity description
As part of the project CNR-IIA undertakes to collaborate in the research activities described in Annex 1 - “Action 1: Habitat monitoring * 2250" Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. " (Project "Natura 2000 Network: monitoring actions of habitats (* 2250, * 9210, * 1120, * 8330, * 1170) and species (Stipa austroitalica, Charadrius alexandrinus, Larus audouinii) of the Puglia Region") and, in particular, to carry out the following activities:
monitoring, at different spatial and temporal scales, through the use of in situ data and satellite data, of communities in Juniperus spp. (habitat 2250 *), in the study site IT9110015 - Duna e lago di Lesina-Foce del Fortore, with the aim of developing and testing an automatic recognition procedure of habitat 2250 * based on the use of a derived rules approach from the expert knowledge of the sites;
analysis of the spatial pattern of habitat 2250 * in the study site IT9110015 - Dune and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore, through specific landscape metrics useful for the definition of the spatial mosaic;
diachronic analysis of the changes in the study site IT9110015 - Duna and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore, borne by habitat 2250 *.
SCI IT9110015 - “Dune and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore” represents one of the most significant regional areas due to the presence of habitat 2250 *, despite the numerous pressures that insist on it.
This project aims to monitor habitat 2250* in the SIC IT9110015 – “Duna e lago di Lesina-Foce del Fortore”, through the development of an integrated methodology that uses both in situ and remote sensing data; for in situ actions, the guidelines of the “Manual for the Monitoring of species and habitats of Community interest (Directive 92/43/EEC) in Italy: habitat” (ISPRA) will be used; remote sensing techniques will be based on the analysis of multispectral optical images acquired by satellite platforms with high spatial resolution (< 2 m). Finally, models will be developed to define the potential distribution area of the habitat. An important aspect of innovation of this action is given by the support provided by the use of methodologies and algorithms that use satellite data for the extraction and characterization of habitats. The remote sensing techniques proposed in this project require an essential multidisciplinary approach that sees the interaction with expert knowledge acquired in the field as the method for calibrating and validating the procedures themselves.
CNR-IIA activity description
As part of the project CNR-IIA undertakes to collaborate in the research activities described in Annex 1 - “Action 1: Habitat monitoring * 2250" Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp. " (Project "Natura 2000 Network: monitoring actions of habitats (* 2250, * 9210, * 1120, * 8330, * 1170) and species (Stipa austroitalica, Charadrius alexandrinus, Larus audouinii) of the Puglia Region") and, in particular, to carry out the following activities:
monitoring, at different spatial and temporal scales, through the use of in situ data and satellite data, of communities in Juniperus spp. (habitat 2250 *), in the study site IT9110015 - Duna e lago di Lesina-Foce del Fortore, with the aim of developing and testing an automatic recognition procedure of habitat 2250 * based on the use of a derived rules approach from the expert knowledge of the sites;
analysis of the spatial pattern of habitat 2250 * in the study site IT9110015 - Dune and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore, through specific landscape metrics useful for the definition of the spatial mosaic;
diachronic analysis of the changes in the study site IT9110015 - Duna and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore, borne by habitat 2250 *.
The objective of the proposed action is the development of an integrated methodology (through in situ data and remote sensing data) for the monitoring of the habitat 2250 * “Coastal dunes with Juniperus spp.”. The SIC area IT9110015 - Duna and lake of Lesina-Foce del Fortore has been identified as a study area for the development and experimentation of this methodology.
In particular, the sub-objectives of this action are:
- develop and test an automatic recognition procedure of the habitat 2250 * based on the use of a rules approach deriving from the expert knowledge of the sites, through the combined use of remote sensing and field data;
- characterization of habitat 2250 * in terms of "structure and functions";
- selection of a set of ad hoc landscape metrics in order to provide an analysis of the territorial mosaic and the level of fragmentation; correlation of the latter with the potential distribution pattern;
- definition of the presence and degree of disturbance, both through the collection and analysis of data in the field (eg presence and frequency of alien species and indicators of disturbance; presence and degree of expression of the "standard zonation"), and through the processing of remote sensing data (at different spatial and temporal scales)
- identification of pressure-state-response indicators at the end of the second year of the project.
In particular, the sub-objectives of this action are:
- develop and test an automatic recognition procedure of the habitat 2250 * based on the use of a rules approach deriving from the expert knowledge of the sites, through the combined use of remote sensing and field data;
- characterization of habitat 2250 * in terms of "structure and functions";
- selection of a set of ad hoc landscape metrics in order to provide an analysis of the territorial mosaic and the level of fragmentation; correlation of the latter with the potential distribution pattern;
- definition of the presence and degree of disturbance, both through the collection and analysis of data in the field (eg presence and frequency of alien species and indicators of disturbance; presence and degree of expression of the "standard zonation"), and through the processing of remote sensing data (at different spatial and temporal scales)
- identification of pressure-state-response indicators at the end of the second year of the project.
University of Bari Aldo Moro Department of Biology - Lead Partner
Maria Adam
Clare Richiardi