Secondary office in Rome

at the Ministry of Ecological Transition

Head of office: Antonello Fardelli


Phone: +39.0657225917

Fax: + 39.0657225087


c / o Ministry of Ecological Transition
via C. Colombo, 44 ​​Rome

The secondary office in Rome was formally established with a provision of the president of the CNR n. 26 - prot. n. 0021832 of 15/04/2013, amending the Ordinance Decree no. 15787 of 12 February 2001 for the establishment of the Institute.

Although the headquarters at the Ministry was established only in 2013, the CNR IIA has been collaborating with various Directorates General of the Ministry since 1998, on the basis of specific Agreements and Conventions. All the activities carried out over the years have always had the purpose of ensuring a continuous exchange between the technical-scientific world and that of the "policy makers", which is essential for the development of effective strategies for the reduction of atmospheric pollution and the protection of environment.

The commitment of the office is focused on various issues:

  • Environmental assessments and authorizations (VIA and AIA), of national competence;
  • Air quality and atmospheric emissions (international and European negotiations, strategies for reducing atmospheric pollution, assessment and management of air quality on the national territory, with particular reference to the most critical areas and sources);
  • Waste cycle;
  • Electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields and noise (Physical Agents);
  • Ozone-depleting substances and climate change (international negotiations on the development and transfer of technologies, participation in the work of adopting European sectoral policies and legislation);
  • International environmental cooperation and negotiation processes such as G7 and G20;
  • Group on Earth Observation (GEO);
  • Circular Economy (Minimum Environmental Criteria, GPP, PNPR, PNGR, etc.);
  • Registration, evaluation, authorization and restriction of chemicals (REACH regulation).

The staff of the office ensures an active, effective and attentive presence both to national and international interests in the offices where the cognitive tools are developed and the documents, programs and activities on the topics mentioned are developed.
