THEClimatic-Environmental Observatory on the Atmosphere of the CNR-IIA on Monte Curcio it is located in one location remot and strategic within the Sila National Park (Sila Grande). The park has been recognized by UNESCO as the Italian national biosphere reserve since June 2014. The site is characterized byabsence of local sources of contamination and is not directly accessible from common traffic roads. It is possible to get to the station via a gondola lift, the arrival point of which is located 200 m from the station itself. Located in 1780 above sea level, the monitoring site is located on a peak of the southern Apennines, from which it is possible to enjoy a completely free horizon that allows for monitoring measures with a wide spatial representation. The observatory is also located in the center of the Mediterranean basin approximately 30 and 60 km from the Tyrrhenian and Ionian seas respectively.

Thanks to the altitude and position of the site, the observatory on Monte Curcio is able to intercept i feathers di Saharan sand as well as the volcanic powders and gases from nearby volcanoes Etna e Stromboli, respectively about 220 and 120 km away. The station is part of the program Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) of the World Meteorological Organization to evaluate it "State of health" of the atmosphere and to support correct environmental policies. The chemical composition of the atmosphere, trace and climate-altering gases and meteorological parameters are measured at the station.


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