The scientific trekking took place on the morning of Sunday 23 October 2022 on a ring route of about 4 km in the Bosco Difesa Grande, in Gravina in Puglia. Participation was good, even some children were present.
European Researchers' Night
European Researchers' Night 2022
The 2022 edition of the European Night of Researchers is scheduled for Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October: like every year, a festive invasion of science will crowd the streets and squares of many cities with events for all ages. The aim of the European Researchers' Night is to create opportunities for researchers and citizens to meet in order to spread scientific culture.
European Researchers' Night 2021
The aim of the European Researchers' Night is to create opportunities for researchers and citizens to meet in order to spread scientific culture and knowledge of the research professions in a stimulating context.
CNR-IIA participated in 2021, as a partner, in the scientific dissemination project "NET-SCIENZA INSIEME" which involved various research institutions and bodies, creating a scientific trekking and virtual laboratories
European Researchers' Night 2020
The Researchers' Night involves thousands of researchers every year in all European countries and is promoted and funded by the European Commission. The IIA participated in 2020 as a partner in the scientific dissemination project "NET-SCIENZA INSIEME" which involved various research institutions and bodies, making some scientific dissemination videos
Pandemic and climate change
Chief Researcher Antonello Pasini is the protagonist of a TED on pandemic and climate change available on Rayplay.
European Researchers' Night 2019
A 'special night' dedicated to science, organized with the Research Area of the CNR of Montelibretti (Rome) with numerous free events to bring citizens closer to the world of research.