The countdown has begun for the NET 2020 researchers' night organized by Scienza Insieme. Starting from Monday 23 November and until Friday 27 November, the portal dedicated to the dissemination of scientific culture will light up with contributions from the main Research Institutions and some Italian universities. A week full of experiments, workshops, talks, lectures, documentaries, virtual tours and science meetings.

As usual, the CNR-IIA participates in the event in concert with the Montelibretti Research Area, offering the public some video content relating to the issues of the environment and air quality, including indoor pollution, mechanisms that trigger fires, the recycling of cigarette butts that from waste become objects of daily use, the use of terrestrial and aerial drones to support environmental research, the conversion of waste from industrial processes in the agro-food field into intelligent nanotextiles.

The researchers and technicians of the Alessandra Fino Institute, Elena Rantica, Valerio Paolini, Luca Tofful, Paola Romagnoli, Giulio Esposito, Francesca Marcovecchio, Silvia Mosca, Antonella Macagnano, Tiziana Sargolini collaborated in the realization of the initiative.

At the end of the events, the transmission of videos on pandemic and climate change, an appointment with the CNR-IIA researcher Antonello Pasini, protagonist of a TED that will be broadcast on Rayplay, together with other contributions, on Friday 27 November starting from 19:00.

The NET event is designed to spread scientific culture and help raise citizens' awareness of the global challenges of our society.