Air Quality Monitoring Improvement in Urumqi: phase II
Funding: Italian Ministry for Environment Land and Seas - Chino Italian cooperation program for Environment
Period: November 2010 - November 2011
Total project budget: ---
Total budget CNR IIA: ---
Scientific Responsible: Francesco Petracchini

Abstract of the project

The present project is a result of the cooperation between the Institute for Atmospheric Pollution of the Italian National Research Council and the Urumqi Environmental Protection Bureau on Air Quality Monitoring Improvement (AQMI). funded by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea (IMELS) in the framework of a cooperation program on environmental protection launched in China in 2006 and extended to the Municipality of Urumqi.

The phase II of this project aims at strengthening the local monitoring agencies' skills in monitoring and controlling air pollution: the expertise of the Italian Institute for Atmospheric Pollution has brought technology, methodology and know ‐ how, improving the existing capacity of the local environmental agencies

• WP1 - Data analysis
• WP2 - Assessment of main pollutants over the industrial area through the use of passive samplers
• WP3 - Traffic emission monitoring
• WP4 - Set up of the meteorological station and dry and wet equipment
• WP5 - Sampling and Chemical analyzing of the dust in Urumqi
• WP6 - Arc -Gis data base and modeling dispersion
• WP7 - Pollution control methodologies
• WP8 - Capacity building and training
Specific support has been requested on understanding the pollution problems and the best practices to solve them. This can be achieved through a complete and integrated monitoring system able to supply with real time and reliable information on atmospheric pollution phenomena affecting either urban and the industrial area.

This monitoring system will be designed as a complement to the new monitoring network that the municipality is going to purchase, with the aim of a better space coverage and a better recognition of the main pollution processes in Urumqi. In fact, despite the efforts that the municipality has been doing in providing the city with new 6 fixed stations, there will still be a gap of detailed information about the traffic emission and the industrial emission with particular reference to benzene. Moreover an adequate know how about the new technology and more in general about the air quality management is needed
• CNR-IIA - www.iia.cnr.it
• Urumqi EMC