Systems and technologies for monitoring cultural areas in an underwater and terrestrial environment
Funding: POR CALABRIA FESR 2007/2013 - AXIS I Public Notice Strategic Agenda Innovation Poles
Period: 4/11/2014 - 31/12/2015
Total project budget: ---
Total budget CNR IIA: ---
Scientific manager: Laura Ragazzi

Abstract of the project

The Simona Project aims to create a system useful for verifying the state of conservation of Cultural Heritage including the possibility of having an automatic management of the proposed tool also to make alert messages available in real time.

The validation of the project proposal will be carried out on two demonstrators: one for the coastal environment and one for the marine environment. Furthermore, through appropriate risk indices, the system will also automatically generate a priority scale with which to program maintenance interventions based on objective data.

The main objective of the project is to verify the reliability and control the state of conservation of cultural and naturalistic assets located in areas adjacent to the coast or directly located in the marine environment with automated procedures based on resident monitoring systems. The objective will be pursued through the definition of procedural protocols consisting of a series of experimental and decisional actions placed within a self-diagnostic software. The software will acquire, through dedicated monitoring architectures, physical and mechanical variables with sensors directly placed in contact with the asset or installed in the surrounding environment. The acquisition of the variables in place will be ensured with the help of specifically dedicated architectures both for the environment adjacent to the coast and for the marine environment.

The Institute is present in Operational Objective 7 - Generalization of the parameters of comparison to establish the level of risk of an archaeological / architectural asset in a particular geographical area.
The expected result of the WP consists of a Protocol that allows to establish the level of risk of an archaeological / architectural asset in a particular area by applying a comparative assessment based on the characteristics of the asset being valued, compared with those of the assets being tested belonging to the same category or sub-category defined on the basis of a shared territorial taxonomy.

Coordinates Operational Objective 9 - Development of innovative remote sensing techniques for the survey of cultural heritage in the hinterland and in the coastal environment.

The identification on remote sensing images of archaeological structures present in the first subsoil is based on the analysis of changes in the surface layer of the soil, which covers the archaeological remains, which is distinguished from the surrounding one for the color, the compactness, the texture, the humidity and the differences are all the more evident when the soil is subject to normal cultivation practices. The application of remote sensing is widely used for aerotopographic surveys of the territory in an archaeological environment. Nevertheless, it is noted that most of the developed methodologies are centered on the use of remotely sensed images in the visible and near infrared spectral regions, while the images acquired in the thermal infrared electromagnetic spectrum region, although their importance for the study of environmental (and also archaeological) dynamics, they are rarely used. In this context, the CNR-IIA proposes to deepen, develop and apply MIVIS data processing techniques to exploit the potential offered by the Thermal Infrared bands also for archaeological research in the coastal area. The expected result is the realization of a method for the management, mapping and localization of archaeological data (bibliographic research, field verification, from the mapping and analysis of historical and modern cartography) and the results of the processing of the remote sensed dataset using aerial images and satellite at different resolution.
• Ob.7: specific objective is the derivation and definition of a protocol that allows: the mutation (from the experimentation) of the risk levels defined in the Assets observed (Evaluation Observations) in the prototype experiences, the identification of defining characteristics of the asset that can be declined through mixed physical-quantitative and intuitive-qualitative criteria, the weighted application of these parameters to other assets also through their possible processing with mixed quantitative-qualitative multi-criteria evaluation algorithms.

• Ob.9: specific objective is the monitoring of the territory for the identification, mapping and enhancement of cultural heritage in a coastal environment through the use of MIVIS data processing techniques.
• CNR Institute on Atmospheric Pollution (CNR-IIA)
• Silpa srl
• Sismlab srl
• University of Mediterranean Studies of Reggio Calabria

Alessia Allegrini

Julian Fontinovo

Pasquale Merola