TURBIMECs: study of TURBulence In Mediterranean Cyclone events
Financing: PRIN
Period: September 2023 – September 2025
Total project budget: € 167.466,00
Total budget CNR IIA: € 119.263,00
Scientific Director: Francesco Carbone

Abstract of the project

Extreme weather events have become more likely to occur in recent decades as a result of the effects of climate change.
In particular, tropical cyclonic events (TCEs) are one of the major dangers to life and socio-economic activities even in the formative stages of their development. The impact of intense atmospheric disturbances, which have been recorded mainly in tropical regions, now threaten more frequently regions that have only been sporadically affected by such TCEs. One of the main examples is the formation of Mediterranean Cyclonic Events (MCE), storms similar to tropical ones that hit the Mediterranean basin even more frequently, which thus becomes a point of reference for the poorest regions. they affect the Mediterranean basin, which becomes a cyclogenetic area.

The study will be conducted by analyzing the outputs of high-resolution numerical simulations and experimental observations from remote sensing (remote sensing), through "data-driven" data analysis techniques, investigating the dynamics of the medicanes scale by scale in order to identify the characteristic features and any analogies with tropical cyclones. The study aims to understand how turbulent flow characteristics can influence the local dynamics and evolution of the two types of cyclone.
The objective of the two-year TURBIMECs project is precisely to analyze and understand the spatio-temporal properties of the extreme events that occur in the atmospheric flow, probing the physical properties of the cyclones observed in the Mediterranean area during recent years (Medicanes).

Francesco Carbone