The newspaper "The Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno” dedicates a page to the research activities of the CNR-IIA of Bari.

As part of the collaboration between theTerritorial Area of ​​Research of Bari of the CNR and the newspaper, an initiative born in June 2022 for "reduce the distance between the city of Bari and Cnr, so that the city perceives research as a "common good", as a resource, as a perspective for the future, as a constructive and fruitful value”, a space dedicated in the newspaper to the research activities of the 17 Institutes belonging to the Bari area, in July it was the turn of theInstitute on Atmospheric Pollution - Branch office in Bari – to show some of the existing activities.

As stated in the article, colleagues illustrated the projects focused on territory of Alta Murgia, karst plateau inserted in the “Natura 2000 network” of the European Union and protected since 2004 by the institution of the same name National Park. For over 10 years the Earth Observation group, currently led by Maria Adam, collaborates with the Park in experimenting with new ones remote sensing technologies for the territory monitoring and identifying changes. THE satellite data, together with
geographic information systems, measures carried out on-site visit, advanced calculation methodologies and the techniques of artificial intelligence allow you to carry out activities environmental monitoring on the park area.

These activities are funded by numerous regional, national and European research projects which enhance the multidisciplinarity of the group. Projects such as “Coheco”, funded by the regional operational programme (Por) of Puglia  e “NewLife4Drylands”, supported by the Life program of the European Union, based on collection and interpretation of satellite data for the definition of changes in the territory over time.

The project has also recently started "MoIRA: Forest monitoring: fires and recovery in Alta Murgia" under the program “Parks for the Climate 2020”, with the aim of improving the assessment of fire risk and the estimation of damage to vegetation.