Characteristics of the mobile laboratory: The laboratory is air-conditioned, is equipped with internal lighting and is thermally insulated. It is 1.85 meters wide, 3 meters long and 2.40 meters high. Inside there is a worktop about 1.60 meters wide and 50 cm deep. IS'...
Mobile Vehicles
Mobile laboratory Ambient air
Characteristics of the mobile laboratory: The compartment used as a laboratory is air-conditioned, is equipped with internal lighting and is thermally insulated. It is 1.85 meters wide, 2.95 meters long and 2.20 meters high. The mobile laboratory is designed to house the instrumentation for ...
Ex Galileo mobile laboratories
Characteristics of the mobile laboratory: The mobile laboratory consists of two rooms. One larger front and one small rear compartment. The room used as a laboratory is air-conditioned, is equipped with internal lighting and is thermally insulated. It is 1.25 meters wide ...
Mobile Laboratory for the monitoring of Atmospheric Particulate
Characteristics of the mobile laboratory: The mobile laboratory for monitoring air quality has been suitably set up to be equipped with the necessary instrumentation for the high temporal resolution measurement of pollutants in phase ...