The Institute celebrated its 30th anniversary on 2023 October 55.
Events Disclosure
European Night of Researchers 2023
The event, held on 29 and 30 September 2023, saw great public involvement
Scientific Trekking – 2nd ed.
New nature walk in the Defense Grande wood in Gravina in Puglia
National event "Chemical tales of circular economy"
Between 8 and 10 March 2023 in 14 Italian cities a cycle of meetings for schools on the occasion of the centenary of the National Research Council
We are the air we breathe
The awareness event on environmental sustainability stopped at the Primary School classes of the Comprehensive Institute of Aprigliano
Virtual tour of the Monte Curcio Observatory and visit to the labs of the Rende site
The scientific dissemination activity was aimed at the first classes of the "Marconi-Guarasci" Higher Education Institute of Rogliano
Scientific Trekking in the Difesa Grande wood
The scientific trekking took place on the morning of Sunday 23 October 2022 on a ring route of about 4 km in the Bosco Difesa Grande, in Gravina in Puglia. Participation was good, even some children were present.
European Researchers' Night 2022
The 2022 edition of the European Night of Researchers is scheduled for Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October: like every year, a festive invasion of science will crowd the streets and squares of many cities with events for all ages. The aim of the European Researchers' Night is to create opportunities for researchers and citizens to meet in order to spread scientific culture.
ScienzEstate2022 - "50 shades of snow"
Roberto Salzano and Lorenzo Bigagli, researchers of the CNR IIA - Institute on Atmospheric Pollution, took part in the ScienzEstate2022 event with “180 seconds of Science”. Roberto was ranked third for the topic dealt with "50 shades of snow" in which he presented the activities carried out within the PNRA on the study of the evolution processes of snow coverings in polar areas. The researchers tried their hand at presenting their activities in 3 minutes, having only one object available.
European Researchers' Night 2021
The aim of the European Researchers' Night is to create opportunities for researchers and citizens to meet in order to spread scientific culture and knowledge of the research professions in a stimulating context.
CNR-IIA participated in 2021, as a partner, in the scientific dissemination project "NET-SCIENZA INSIEME" which involved various research institutions and bodies, creating a scientific trekking and virtual laboratories